My birthday weekend in Belfast

posted in: Museums, Wildlife, Zoos | 1

Friday was my birthday, and for my birthday, my parents and I went to Belfast zoo! I was lucky to meet education officer, John Fisher, who was with me at the summer camp 4 years ago, and keeper, Raymond Robinson. One … Continued

Our Kerry Holiday 2015

posted in: Adventure, Wildlife, Zoos | 0

It was July of 2015, and my family and I visited Coolwood Wildlife Park in Co. Kerry, which was home to animals you would expect to see at any petting zoo, including lemurs, raccoons, owls, prairie dogs, New World monkeys, parrots, … Continued


posted in: Carnivores, Species, Wildlife | 0

International name: Eurasian badger Scientific name: Meles meles Irish name: Broc Diet: Omnivore Size: 56-90cm Tips on how to find them: Burrows called setts have large, broad entrances and can often be found on the edges of woodland; dung varies depending … Continued

Bottlenose dolphin

posted in: Other Mammals, Species, Wildlife | 0

Scientific name: Tursiops truncatus Irish name: Deilf bolgshronach Size: 2.3-3.8m; males tend to be a little larger than females Diet: Carnivore Tips on how to find them: When looking out to sea, look out for a tall, sickle-shaped dorsal fin; a … Continued


posted in: Birds, Species, Uncategorized, Wildlife | 0

International name: Red-billed chough Scientific name: Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax Irish name: Cág cosdearg Diet: Omnivore Size: 40cm long Tips on how to find them: A rather distinctive crow when seen at close range, with a slender red bill and red legs; call is a … Continued

Common frog

International name: European common frog Scientific name: Rana temporaria Irish name: Frog; Ioscán Length: 5-10cm Diet: Carnivore Tips on how to find them: The most widespread of Ireland’s three amphibian species; best found in areas with water, be it a pond, ditch … Continued


posted in: Birds, Wildlife | 0

International name: Eurasian curlew Scientific name: Numenius arquata Irish name: Crotach Size: 51-60cm Diet: Carnivore Tips on how to find them: One of Ireland’s most threatened birds, having undergone serious declines in recent years; can be found in most parts of the island in … Continued

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