Bear, Andean (or spectacled)

posted in: Carnivores, Species | 0

Scientific name: Tremarctos ornatus Origin: South America Size: 1.3-1.9m Diet: Omnivore but mostly herbivore IUCN status: Vulnerable Threats: Conversion of forests to agriculture, leading to conflict with people; hunted for food and for use of its parts in traditional medicine Zoos … Continued

Bear, Brown

posted in: Carnivores, Species | 0

Scientific name: Ursus arctos Origin: North America and Eurasia Diet: Omnivore Size: 1.5-2.8m IUCN status: Least Concern Threats: Human-bear conflicts resulting from raids on crops or livestock, poaching, habitat fragmentation Zoos I have seen them: Tierpark Hellabrunn, Welsh Mountain Zoo, Camperdown Wildlife Centre, … Continued

Bear, Polar

posted in: Carnivores, Species | 0

Scientific name: Ursus maritimus Size: 1.8-2.8m Origin: Arctic Ocean, North America (Canada) and Russia Diet: Omnivore, but mostly carnivorous IUCN status: Vulnerable Threats: Melting of sea ice resulting from global warming, water pollution, hunting for food and fur Zoos I have … Continued

Bear, Sun

posted in: Carnivores, Species | 0

Scientific name: Helarctos malayanus Size: 1.2-1.5m Origin: Asia Diet: Omnivore IUCN status: Vulnerable Threats: Deforestation (in Sumatra and Borneo, conversion of forests to palm oil plantations); hunted for use of its parts in traditional medicine, and for the pet trade Zoos … Continued


posted in: Hoofed mammals, Species | 0

Scientific names: Bison bison (American) and Bison bonasus (European) Size: 1.8-2m for the American bison, 1.8-2.2m for the European bison Origin: North America and Europe respectively Diet: Herbivore IUCN status: Near Threatened (both species) Threats: Overhunting, loss of habitat to agriculture Zoos I … Continued

Cassowary, Southern

posted in: Birds, Species | 0

Scientific name: Casuarius casuarius Origin: Australasia (New Guinea and Northern Australia) Size: 1.5-1.8m Diet: Omnivore IUCN status: Least Concern Threats: Hunting, deforestation, cyclones (in Australia) Zoos I have seen them: Edinburgh Zoo, Ménagerie du Jardin des Plantes, Natura Artis Magistra Interesting fact: … Continued

Chameleon, Panther

posted in: Reptiles and Amphibians, Species | 0

Scientific name: Furcifer pardalis Origin: Africa (Madagascar, but introduced to Réunion and Mauritius) Origin: 40-52cm Diet: Carnivore IUCN status: Least Concern Threats: No current threats to this species Zoos I have seen them: Parc Zoologique de Paris, Dublin Zoo, Belfast Zoo, Tropical World … Continued


posted in: Carnivores, Species | 0

Scientific name: Acinonyx jubatus Size: 1.2-1.5m Diet: Carnivore Origin: Africa and Asia IUCN status: Vulnerable Threats: Loss of habitat, persecution by people who believe it preys on their livestock Zoos I have seen them: Fota Wildlife Park, Belfast Zoo, Chester Zoo … Continued


posted in: Primates, Species | 0

Scientific name: Pan troglodytes Size: 64-94cm Origin: Africa Diet: Omnivore IUCN status: Endangered Threats: Deforestation, hunting for bushmeat, diseases such as Ebola Zoos I have seen them: Dublin, Belfast, Edinburgh, Chester, Welsh Mountain Zoo, La Vallée des Singes, Amsterdam Interesting fact: … Continued

Clouded Leopard

posted in: Carnivores, Species | 0

Scientific name: Neofelis nebulosa Origin: Asia Size: 70-110cm Diet: Carnivore IUCN status: Vulnerable Threats: Deforestation, hunting for the illegal wildlife trade Zoos I have seen them: Ménagerie du Jardin des Plantes Interesting fact: There is a second species found in Sumatra and … Continued

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