

posted in: Primates, Species | 0

Aye-aye cartoon by David TwamleyScientific name: Daubentonia madagascariensis

Size: 30-40cm long, tail about 60cm

Origin: Africa (Madagascar)

Diet: Omnivore

IUCN status: Endangered

Threats: Deforestation, inaccurate folk belief (some Malagasy people consider it a sign of evil and death)

Zoos I have seen them: Dublin Zoo, London Zoo

Interesting fact: While the aye-aye is famous for using its long, thin middle finger for probing wood in search of insect larvae, recent research has shown that they also use that finger to literally (and I really mean this) pick their own noses and eat their own snot! There are several theories as to why they do this, with one being that it improves their immune system.

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