
posted in: Carnivores, Species | 0

Scientific name: Acinonyx jubatus Size: 1.2-1.5m Diet: Carnivore Origin: Africa and Asia IUCN status: Vulnerable Threats: Loss of habitat, persecution by people who believe it preys on their livestock Zoos I have seen them: Fota Wildlife Park, Belfast Zoo, Chester Zoo … Continued


posted in: Primates, Species | 0

Scientific name: Pan troglodytes Size: 64-94cm Origin: Africa Diet: Omnivore IUCN status: Endangered Threats: Deforestation, hunting for bushmeat, diseases such as Ebola Zoos I have seen them: Dublin, Belfast, Edinburgh, Chester, Welsh Mountain Zoo, La Vallée des Singes, Amsterdam Interesting fact: … Continued

Clouded Leopard

posted in: Carnivores, Species | 0

Scientific name: Neofelis nebulosa Origin: Asia Size: 70-110cm Diet: Carnivore IUCN status: Vulnerable Threats: Deforestation, hunting for the illegal wildlife trade Zoos I have seen them: Ménagerie du Jardin des Plantes Interesting fact: There is a second species found in Sumatra and … Continued

Crane, Red-crowned

posted in: Birds, Species | 0

Scientific name: Grus japonensis Origin: Asia Diet: Omnivore Size: 1.4-1.5m IUCN status: Vulnerable Threats: Habitat loss, human disturbance, pollution, poaching Zoos I have seen them: Emerald Park, Diergaarde Blijdorp Interesting fact: In China, the red-crowned crane is viewed as a symbol … Continued

Dog, African Wild

posted in: Carnivores, Species | 0

Scientific name: Lycaon pictus Origin: Africa Size: 85-140cm Diet: Carnivore IUCN status: Endangered Threats: Poaching, diseases contracted from domestic dogs Zoos I have seen them: Dublin Zoo, Belfast Zoo (gone), Edinburgh Zoo (gone), Chester Zoo, ZSL London Zoo, Natura Artis Magistra Interesting … Continued

Dog, Common raccoon

posted in: Carnivores, Species | 0

Scientific name: Nyctereutes procyonoides Origin: Asia (introduced to Europe) Length: 50-71cm Diet: Omnivore IUCN status: Least Concern Threats: Persecution, diseases, collisions with vehicles Zoos I have seen them: Coolwood Wildlife Park Interesting fact: The raccoon dog is the only canid that hibernates … Continued

Eagle-owl, Bengal

posted in: Birds, Species | 0

Scientific name: Bubo bengalensis Length: 50-56cm Origin: Asia (Indian subcontinent) Diet: Carnivore IUCN status: Least Concern Threats: No current threats to this species Zoos I have seen them: Coolwood Wildlife Park, Diergaarde Blijdorp. Also at the Birds of Prey centre in Russborough … Continued

Elephant, African bush

posted in: Other Mammals, Species | 0

Scientific name: Loxodonta africana Origin: Africa Size: 3-3.6 metres in height Diet: Herbivore IUCN status: Endangered Threats: Poaching for its tusks, loss and fragmentation of habitat leading to conflict with humans, climate change Zoos I have seen them: Blair Drummond Safari Park Interesting … Continued

Elephant, Asian

posted in: Other Mammals, Species | 0

Scientific name: Elephas maximus Origin: Asia Size: 2-3.6 metres in height Diet: Herbivore IUCN status: Endangered Threats: Loss of habitat leading to conflict with people, poaching for the male’s tusks Zoos I have seen them: Dublin Zoo, Belfast Zoo, Tierpark Hellabrunn, … Continued

Flamingo, Chilean

posted in: Birds, Species | 0

Scientific name: Phoenicopterus chilensis Origin: South America Height: 1-1.3m Diet: Omnivore IUCN status: Near Threatened Threats: Hunting, intensive egg-harvesting, mining Zoos I have seen them: Dublin, Belfast, Fota, Edinburgh, Chester, Welsh Mountain Zoo, Natura Artis Magistra Interesting fact: What looks like the … Continued

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