
posted in: Birds, Species, Wildlife | 0

International name: Northern fulmar Scientific name: Fulmarus glacialis Irish name: Fulmaire Diet: Carnivore Size: 45-51cm Tips on how to find them: Resident year-round all around the Irish coast; plentiful on the east coast but more abundant on the west coast.

Fallow deer

posted in: Hoofed mammals, Species, Wildlife | 0

Scientific name: Dama dama Irish name: Fia buí Size: 1.3-1.6m Diet: Herbivore Tips on how to find them: The Phoenix park is perhaps the easiest place to see this species, the most widespread deer in Ireland.

Great crested grebe

posted in: Birds, Species, Wildlife | 0

Scientific name: Podiceps cristatus Irish name: Foitheach mór Diet: Carnivore Size: 46-51cm Tips on how to find them: Widespread throughout Ireland, particularly in the north (Lough Neagh is a good place to find them); look for them in wetlands with emerging … Continued

Great spotted woodpecker

posted in: Birds, Wildlife | 0

Scientific name: Dendrocopos major Irish name: Mórchnagaire breac Size: 23-25cm Diet: Mainly carnivore; will also take peanuts from bird feeders Tips on how to find them: Search in old woodland with dead trees; listen out for the woodpecker’s famous ‘drumming’ … Continued

Grey seal

posted in: Carnivores, Species, Wildlife | 0

Scientific name: Halichoerus grypus Irish name: Rón mór Length: 1.7-2.3m Diet: carnivore Tips on how to find them: Not a difficult species to see; greatest numbers are along Ireland’s west coast.


posted in: Other Mammals, Species, Wildlife | 0

International name: European hedgehog Scientific name: Erinaceus europaeus Irish name: Gráinneog Diet: Omnivore Size: 20-30cm Tips on how to find them: Best to look between April and October when they are out of hibernation; most likely to be seen around dusk; droppings often appear … Continued

Irish hare

posted in: Other Mammals, Species, Wildlife | 0

International name: Mountain hare Scientific name: Lepus timidus hibernicus Irish name: Giorria sléibhe Éireannach Diet: Herbivore Size: 50-65cm long Tips on how to find them: Can be found throughout Ireland in various habitats; smaller than the introduced brown hare; mainly nocturnal, but can … Continued


posted in: Birds, Species, Wildlife | 0

International name: Eurasian jay Scientific name: Garrulus glandarius Irish name: Scréachóg Size: 33-37cm Diet: Omnivore Tips on how to find them: Identified by distinctly coloured plumage; found mainly in deciduous forests; in Autumn, they collect acorns to store for winter, which might … Continued


posted in: Birds, Species, Wildlife | 0

International name: Common kestrel or Eurasian kestrel Scientific name: Falco tinnunculus Irish name: Pocaire gaoithe Size: 33-37cm Diet: Carnivore Tips on how to find them: Can be found anywhere in Ireland, in any kind of habitat; can often be seen … Continued


posted in: Birds, Species, Wildlife | 0

International name: Common kingfisher, Eurasian kingfisher Scientific name: Alcedo atthis Irish name: Cruidín Size: 16-17 cm Diet: Carnivore Tips on how to find them: When looking over a river or other water body, keep your eyes peeled for a small, fast-moving, … Continued

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