
posted in: Carnivores, Species, Wildlife | 0

International name: Eurasian badger Scientific name: Meles meles Irish name: Broc Diet: Omnivore Size: 56-90cm Tips on how to find them: Burrows called setts have large, broad entrances and can often be found on the edges of woodland; dung varies depending … Continued

Bottlenose dolphin

posted in: Other Mammals, Species, Wildlife | 0

Scientific name: Tursiops truncatus Irish name: Deilf bolgshronach Size: 2.3-3.8m; males tend to be a little larger than females Diet: Carnivore Tips on how to find them: When looking out to sea, look out for a tall, sickle-shaped dorsal fin; a … Continued


posted in: Birds, Species, Uncategorized, Wildlife | 0

International name: Red-billed chough Scientific name: Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax Irish name: Cág cosdearg Diet: Omnivore Size: 40cm long Tips on how to find them: A rather distinctive crow when seen at close range, with a slender red bill and red legs; call is a … Continued

Common frog

International name: European common frog Scientific name: Rana temporaria Irish name: Frog; Ioscán Length: 5-10cm Diet: Carnivore Tips on how to find them: The most widespread of Ireland’s three amphibian species; best found in areas with water, be it a pond, ditch … Continued

Common lizard

posted in: Reptiles and Amphibians | 0

Scientific name: Zootoca vivipara Irish name: Iaghairt bheobhreitheach Diet: Carnivore Size: 10-15cm Tips on how to find them: Lizards are small and are well-camouflaged against mosses and grass, so look carefully and scan potential areas; search between March and October, … Continued


posted in: Birds, Wildlife | 0

International name: Eurasian curlew Scientific name: Numenius arquata Irish name: Crotach Size: 51-60cm Diet: Carnivore Tips on how to find them: One of Ireland’s most threatened birds, having undergone serious declines in recent years; can be found in most parts of the island in … Continued

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