
posted in: Carnivores, Species | 0

Scientific name: Panthera leo Origin: Africa and Asia Size: 1.6-2.5m Diet: Carnivore IUCN status: Vulnerable Threats: Hunting for sport and food, loss of habitat to agriculture which increases conflict with humans Zoos I have seen them: Asian lions in Dublin, Fota, … Continued

Manatee, West Indian

posted in: Other Mammals, Species | 0

Scientific name: Trichechus manatus Origin: North America and South America Length: 3-4.6m long Diet: Herbivore IUCN status: Vulnerable Zoos I have seen them: Parc Zoologique de Paris Threats: Pollution, collisions with powerboats, hunting, habitat degradation Interesting fact: Although they resemble walruses, … Continued


posted in: Primates, Species | 0

Scientific name: Mandrillus sphinx Size: 55-110cm Diet: Omnivore Origin: Africa IUCN status: Vulnerable Threats: Deforestation, poaching for bushmeat Zoos I have seen them: La Vallee des Singes, Tierpark Hellabrunn, Chester Zoo, Natura Artis Magistra Interesting fact: The largest of the … Continued


posted in: Hoofed mammals, Species | 0

Scientific name: Okapia johnstoni Size: 2.5 meters long Origin: Africa (Democratic Republic of Congo) Diet: Herbivore IUCN status: Endangered Threats: Deforestation, poaching for its meat and skin Zoos I have seen them: Dublin Zoo, London Zoo, Chester Zoo, Diergaarde Blijdorp Interesting … Continued

Orangutan, Bornean

posted in: Primates, Species | 0

Scientific name: Pongo pygmaeus Origin: Asia (Borneo) Size: 1.1-1.4m Diet: Omnivore IUCN status: Critically endangered Threats: Conversion of rainforests to palm oil plantations, poaching for its meat and for the illegal pet trade Zoos I have seen them: Dublin Zoo, Chester … Continued

Ostrich, Common

posted in: Birds, Species | 0

Scientific name: Struthio camelus Origin: Africa Size: 1.7-2.7 metres high Diet: Omnivore IUCN status: Least Concern Threats: Currently no major threats to this species Zoos I have seen them: Quite a lot. Interesting fact: What looks like an ostrich sticking its … Continued

Panda, Giant

posted in: Carnivores, Species | 0

Scientific name: Ailuropoda melanoleuca Origin: Asia (China) Size: 1.6-1.9m Diet: Omnivore, but mostly herbivore (it eats mostly bamboo shoots) IUCN status: Vulnerable Threats: Conversion of bamboo forests for agriculture, climate change, historically hunting for its fur Zoos I have seen them: … Continued

Panda, Red

posted in: Carnivores, Species | 0

Scientific name: Ailurus fulgens Origin: Asia Size: 50-64cm long (excluding tail) Diet: Omnivore, but mostly herbivore IUCN status: Endangered Threats: Deforestation, hunting for its fur Zoos I have seen them: Dublin Zoo, Belfast Zoo, Fota Wildlife Park, Highland Wildlife Park, Ménagerie … Continued

Penguin, Humboldt

posted in: Birds, Species | 0

Scientific name: Spheniscus humboldti Size: 65-70cm Origin: South America Diet: Carnivore IUCN status: Vulnerable Threats: Pollution, predation of eggs by introduced species (such as rats), overfishing of its fish prey, climate change Zoos I have seen them: Dublin, Fota, Belfast (gone), … Continued

Rhinoceros, White

posted in: Hoofed mammals, Species | 0

Scientific name: Ceratotherium simum Length: 3.7-4m Origin: Africa Diet: Herbivore IUCN status: Near Threatened Threats: Poaching for the horn, climate change Zoos I have seen them: Dublin, Paris, Blair Drummond Safari Park Interesting fact: Apparently, the white rhino derives its name … Continued

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